Questions and Answers
How to reserve my individual bicycle ?
Step 1
On the home page in the middle session, you have 2 options to reserve your bike. If you wish, you can select the bike randomly by clicking on the Select bike randomly button, or if you prefer, you can select one of the 22 bikes available in our studio.

Step 2
Once the bike is selected, we go to the calendar selection screen, where you select the day and time of training, then click next.

Step 3
On this screen you will enter your personal information, name, surname, email and your phone number. Click continue.

Step 4
On this screen we see the summary of the service and the total amount, and then go to checkout, click continue.

Step 5
This last part is the checkout, here we will place our private payment information, the first field is your email, second is personal data and exact address, third is the payment options, credit or debit card. We enter all the data and click on the place order button. We also have the option to make express payment with gpay.

Last step
You will receive an email notification with a summary of your service reservation and the invoice amount.